Unconfirmed Variations

This page lists all current unconfirmed variations across all the manufacturers featured on this website. If and when a variation is confirmed it will be moved to the appropriate Plasticville Section.


BN-1 Barn, Countryside Barn, Barn Kit

  • Unconfirmed color variation
  • White walls & dark green roof
  • The BN-1 Barn with white walls and lighter or "kelly" green roof is an established and confirmed color variation. The BN-1 Barn with red walls and dark green roof is also an established and confirmed color variation. The unconfirmed color variation is a BN-1 Barn with white walls and dark green roof. It is believed that a version of the BN-1 box has a sticker indicating "Dk Green White". If anyone has a box with this stamp, it would confirm this variation. Also, if you have any indirect evidence such as stories or maybe you purchased this unconfirmed variation new, or anything else that can help the PCA make a determination of authenticity, please contact the webmaster.